May 17, 2007

May 17th & Early 18th

May 17th

Schools, Schools and More Schools

Kat – this would have been a great trip for you to go on. Most of the Rotary Projects that we have been to are schools. This morning we went to a school near White River that the Rotary has provided and put n water pumps, a 4,000 book library, are working on building a new kitchen and trying to get money to build a outside pavilion for the kids so they don’t have to eat in the sun.

You would have through we were huge Hollywood stars when we got out of the car. The kids came running from all over to meet up and have their picture taken. I like to think because we’re such a good looking bunch ;) but I’m more inclined to go with the fact that it was because most of us are white and we have digital cameras – which the kids have never seen before.

After the school we went to a project that the Herndon Club sponsored a matching grant for a few year back - Masoyi Special Care Project. As mentioned, kids with special needs are often shunned in Africa. The father will desert the family and leave the mother to care for the special needs child in addition to the others – with no source of income. Lucy, who founded the school, has found some children chained to trees most of their life, or locked in dark rooms and in disgusting states of well being.

The school has about 15-20 special needs children ranging in ages from a few months up to 28 yrs old. Some children could walk and talk a little, others were just laying on the mats barley able to move or make noise. It’s a day school so mothers drop off or come to school with the kids each day. I say school with a very loose meaning, there is a schedule but I’m not sure what level of learning there is. We didn’t have much luck in communicating with the care takers – as there was a great language barrier.

May 18th

Friday Morning Ishhhh!

A few random thoughts:

-We didn’t get to meet the King of Swaziland – and OB told us it was because he didn’t want to explain to any of our father’s why were weren’t coming home when he choose us as his 15th wife
-I didn’t get to Kruger but I’m told we’re going to a very posh game reserve today and that they promise we’ll see the big 5.
-Everyone down here drives like Caroline – in the middle of both lanes ;)
-Again, all Rotarians like to feed us and provide alcohol. Meesh is going to be ready for a 12 step program when we get home

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Reading your blog has become part of my morning routine! Fascinating!